Founder & CEO/Entertainer
Michael started the business in 2017 but it finally taking flight in 2021 when he formed LOTZ PRODUCTIONS, LLC. The sole purpose of LP was to provide a safe space on social media and a podcast that would give hope to the hurting and those who have faced trauma. His alter ego Mona Lotz is the sole voice for the company and "she" doesn't hold back when it comes to telling her feelings and her thoughts. He started the iconic figure Mona Lotz in 2012, which changed so many avenues in his life, opening his eyes to so many truths, and leading him to where he is today, Lotz Productions.
The organization now provides a regular scheduled podcast, "LOTZ OF TEA with Mona" where topics of triumphing over trauma and overcoming hurt and pain is the leading focus and the shows guest bring their personal stories as a means of hope and a light to it's viewers!​
To read more about Mona's Story visit MONA LOTZ
Kat Piss

Daniel Kelty
Resident Therapist and Life Coach
Daniel is a 56 year old queer man. He is a psychotherapist, a passionate traveler, a husband, a father, a naval veteran from the dessert storm era and an activist in the global queer community.
Daniel has a BA in psychology, a masters degree in social work , a certification in ecotherapy and has completed some coursework towards a PhD in psychology. Daniels curiosity and life experiences have taken him to many parts of the world and provided him with a wealth of experience that he uses to help others which he says greatly enriches his life.
Daniel has traveled and lived abroad and is passionate about how different cultures embrace sexual orientation.
He is the author of two books, “Veteran’s in social work practice” which he co wrote with his professor from the university of Cincinnati and “When the bedbugs bite”, a personal memoire of tragedy, estrangement and healing.
Currently Daniel resides in Ohio on a 6 acre farm where he practices ecotherapy and teaches guided meditation and mindfulness practices.
Angel Kish
Adminastrative & Production Assistant
Best known as Mona’s assistant, Angel is a big supporter of the LGBTQ community and has made life long Framily as she calls them.
Angel wears many hats for Lotz Productions, not only is she Mona's personal assistant, but she assist with the podcast, the making of merchandise, and public relations. She is always making people laugh including the queens and kings that she meets.

The L.O.T.S. Trio
(Lotz of Tea Singers)
The trio was formed right before the 2nd season aired, when Michael rewrote the opening theme song of the Muppet Show and didn't like the sound without background vocals. So he used his acting skills to form Ellie, Ralph, and Johnny!
Johnny is in his mid 40's and has been singing in the Men's Gay Chorus since he was 25. He is also the producer of Lotz of Tea and sings lead in the trio. He was in show choir and in all the school's plays and Musicals in High School, traveled the country in a musical written and performed by a Christian Pop Artist in the early 2000's, and has a love for Dolly Parton!
Ralph is in his late 50's and lives in his mother Ellie's basement, or as he likes to call it "the Love Cave!" He sings the bariton part in the trio and adds flare with his strong Brooklyn accent. He has always sang because his mother's philosophy is "If God gave you a talent, you'll lose it if you don't use it!" He is also the studio's janitor and relaxes at night watching the Golden Girls.
Ellie has reached the fine age of 70 years young and is the makeup artist and hair (wig) stylist for podcast hostess Mona Lotz. She has sang in church since she was a child and was the director of the churchs musicals and choir. She says she will "keep singing until the Lord calls her home!"

Mona Lotz
"Other People's opion of you are none of your business!"